Shincha Aracha 2024

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Shincha Aracha, the first tea harvest of the year. Most Japanese freshly harvested tea is processed as follows: steaming, drying, shaping, sorting the leaves and stems, and drying. The Aracha is steamed and dried and shaped, but not yet sorted, and literally means "least processed", and so this is also the tea enjoyed by farmers during harvest. "Aracha" also contains the stems, also known as "Karigane" and has a natural unprocessed taste, the stems also make the tea sweeter. This Shincha Aracha is pure unsorted tea that is stored in a deep-cooled place to be processed as ichibancha (first harvest) tea into various qualities of tea over the course of the year.

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Shincha Aracha, the first tea harvest of the year. Most Japanese freshly harvested tea is processed as follows: steaming, drying, forming, the sorting of the leaves and stems, and 5 to dry. The Aracha is not sorted and dried, and literally means "less processed" Aracha is the traditional drink for the farmers. "Aracha" thus also contains the stems, also known as "Karigane" and has a natural unprocessed flavor, the stems make the tea also sweeter.

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FlavoursGreen, strak, Umami, hearthy, Savory, Sea
Origin--> JAPAN
Brewing westernJapanese tea: Use 2 grams of tea per cup (200ml) and brew cool, around 70°C, allow to steep for 2-3 minutes and infuse at least 3 times.
Brewing easternUse 3 grams of tea per 100ml of water, water temperature between 60 and 70 °C, short steeps of about 1 minute. It's best to use a small teapot or kyusu.
Cold BrewCold infusion, use 10 to 16 grams of tea per liter of cold water. Let the tea steep overnight in the fridge, 12 to 15 hours. You can vary with the proportions for example to add sparkling water afterwards.
Shelf lifeStore this product cool, dark, dry and airtight; after a year the typical fresh taste can develop into a mellow taste.
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